
The consortium unites 6 public and private partners from the Mediterranean and Black Sea Basins that dispose of the necessary expertise, capacity to act, networks and complementary skills to undertake this project plan in order to achieve the targeted state of increased collaboration among IMP-related stakeholders that have access to a series of real opportunities which are socially, economically, environmentally and strategically sustainable and beneficial.


INNO – Innogate to Europe (Spain) is specialised in supporting entrepreneurship and the competitiveness of SMEs through the access to finance. As Intermediary Organisation under the 6th and 7th cycles of “Erasmus for young Entrepreneurs” (consortia: E4IC and E4IC II), INNO promotes the business development. Innogate to Europe’s Managing Director (Paloma Lozano) is member of the Enterprise Europe Network Working Group on Women Entrepreneurship.

Innogate to Europe’s team has a broad experience on public-private collaboration involving triple helix stakeholders and cross-fertilisation. During the past 5 years, it has supported regional triple helix Clusters in their participation in European transnational initiatives, working groups and seminars and contributing to the development of the Madrid regional Smart Specialisation Strategy.



CNR – Institute of Marine Sciences-ISMAR Ancona (Italy) is specialised in fishery resources, fishing technology, mariculture, artificial reefs, integrated management of coastal areas and changes induced on the marine environment by human activities and natural events within the Adriatic Sea. Since 1970s ISMAR Ancona has carried out research on the development of multi-purpose artificial reefs and has planned several artificial reefs in the Italian seas with aim of protecting the coastal areas against illegal trawling, finfish repopulation, improving small-scale local fisheries, reducing conflicts between different users of the coastal areas, and developing extensive bivalve cultures.



PMM-TVT – Pôle Mer Méditerranée – Toulon Var Technologies (France), as a sea innovation and business cluster is specialised in 6 thematic areas: environment and coastal planning, maritime safety and security, ship and nautical industry, marine energy resources, marine biological resources and ports, infrastructures and shipping. PMM-TVT gathers several actors (and/or are in direct interaction with) that implement artificial reefs or that develop services that could be used around artificial reefs in the Mediterranean. These actors will be involved in the project’s activities (Large companies such as EGIS EAU, BRL; SMEs as ECOCEAN, DBS TRAITEMENT, VIRTUAL DIVE, ARCHITEUTHIS; Local authorities (CEPRALMAR, Agence de l’Eau Rhone Med Corse),Decentralized state directorates(DREAL, DDTM, DIRM) and research laboratories (biologists, materials, social etc.).



Abruzzo Region (Italy) is a key policy-maker within the Adriatic – Ionian Macro-Region as the Managing Authority of the CIP INTERREG IIIA – Adriatic Cross-border Programme since 2002 and the Adriatic Cross-border IPA Programme 2007-2013. Additionally in 2005, Abruzzo Region launched three joint calls for proposals with a total budget of about 45 M€. The 348 project proposals applied and the 94 operations financed show the deep sensitivity of the territory to a basin policy, able to develop shared synergies and potentialities, on strategic issues as transport, environment, energy, internationalization of economic systems, social integration and culture.



NTC BG Guide – National Tourism Cluster “Bulgarian Guide” (Bulgaria) is a tourism cluster encouraging the entrepreneurship development and is focusing on the sustainable development of alternative types of tourism, including the coastal and maritime tourism. Its mission is linked to the needs of the tourism related SMEs and the “seeking” tourists as well as the implementation of innovative approaches for provision of tourism services and packages. NTC BG Guide unites stakeholders from the tourism industry and will rely on their expertise and experience towards the creation of a coherent tourism package related to smart use of artificial reefs and meeting the characteristics of the Mediterranean and Black sea assets and its branding. Cluster members and their partners will be directly and indirectly involved in the project’s activities.



UBBSLA – Union of Bulgarian Black Sea Local Authorities (Bulgaria) is a regional association of 21 municipalities along the Black Sea coast which acts and operates in the spheres of sustainable development, tourism development, environment and efficiency use of resources, social fare, youth actions, etc. So far, the Association has implemented a significant number of national and international projects targeted to the region development and promotion.
